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KT Canada Scientific Meeting 2023

May 11, 2023 - May 12, 2023

2023 KT Canada Scientific Meeting

KT Canada is pleased to be co-hosting this year’s meeting with the School of Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Ottawa.


The 2023 KT Canada Annual Scientific Meeting is being held on May 11-12, 2023 in Ottawa, Canada in a hybrid format.

Abstract submission is now closed.

Registration will be opening soon – information will be posted under the “Registration” tab.

Further updates will be posted here, on our Twitter account (@KTCanada) and in the KT Canada weekly newsletter.

For questions please contact Meghan.Storey@UnityHealth.to.


Meet with a KT Expert at the KT Canada-SEPH Scientific Meeting

In-person attendees of the KT Canada-SEPH Scientific Meeting have the opportunity to request a one-on-one, 20-minute meeting with a KT expert to discuss a specific question or topic related to their work and research. We refer to these as “KT consults”.

The KT consult spaces are limited and we will do our best to set up a meeting for you with the expert of your choice (although we cannot guarantee it).

The online request form will go live, at the following link, on Thursday, April 27th at 12:00pm EST: https://knowledgetranslation.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6ROjvq3DIFOSvky

The request form will close at 11:59pm EST on Weds, May 3rd.

Please note that you must be registered to attend the meeting in-person in order for your request to be considered. We recommend completing your request form sooner than later in order improve your chance of meeting with your top choice.

How does the process work?

-We will aim to grant the first choice of each request as they come in, and as spots are available. -If your first choice is no longer available when you make your request, we will try to give you your second choice (and so on). -We will try to give as many people as possible at least one of their requests (but it may not be possible in every case).

The KT Consults will take place in-person at the Scientific Meeting, from 4:15-5:15pm ET on Thursday, May 11th. We will contact you once the online form closes to let you know the results of your request.

We have confirmed the following KT experts for the consult sessions: Dr. Jamie Brehaut Dr. Melissa Brouwers Dr. Ian Graham Dr. Dawn Stacey Dr. Sharon Straus

Requests will close at 11:59pm EST on Weds, May 3rd and we will be in touch with everyone afterwards.


May 11, 2023
May 12, 2023