Seminar Series – May 2022


Dr. Tamara L. McCarron, Karen Moffat, Nancy, Heather

Engaging beyond the usual suspects: Challenges and opportunities from the patient perspective



Heather – I’m a mental health advocate and patient researcher. In understanding my own lived experience, I aim to do everything I can to improve the system I had to go through.




Nancy – Retired occupational therapist, PaCER grad, passionate about life experience partners in all levels of research.




Karen Moffat, Cochrane, Alberta – I believe that all individuals and families using the health care system need to have their voices heard in all aspects of their care. As a Patient Advisor, I share my lived experiences with chronic pain, depression, and M-GUS with the hope that a seed is planted and will grow into effective changes being made in the delivery of patient centered care.



Dr. Tamara L. McCarron PhD, MBA, is a Senior Research Associate in the Nephrology Research Group and is an Adjunct Assistant Professor in Community Health Science at the Cumming School of Medicine. She is passionate about engaging patients and family members in health research.




Learning objectives:

  1. Discuss the role of patient in health research
  2. Consider ways to implement meaningful patient engagement to reduce inequities
  3. Explore engagement challenges in health research from the patient perspective


Presentation Recording: View Here