Terms of Reference
KT Canada Vision
To address the gap in applying the results of health research in decision making, practice and policy to improve patient and public health and strengthen the Canadian health care system.
- To provide advice on the overall KT Canada initiative, including:
- Training and capacity-building for various learners including knowledge users, graduate students, fellows, and researchers,
- Advancing implementation science and practice,
- Evaluating various KT approaches (such as clinical decision rules, audit and feedback, web-based quizzes and workshops),
- Finding ways to ensure that KT efforts have a lasting impact across the continuum of care by engaging health professionals, community members including people with lived experience, and various health decision-making groups.
Membership: The KT Canada Advisory Committee is composed of ~10 members including one Chair and one Vice-chair, with representation from researchers, trainees, and knowledge users (i.e. patients/citizen partners, policy makers, etc.). We will strive to ensure that members represent the diversity of Canada, including gender, geographic (i.e. Central, Northern, Western, and Eastern Canada), and language (English and French) diversity.
Terms: We ask that the Chair serve for at least one year and no more than three. The Vice-Chair will take on the role of Chair when the previous Chair steps down. Members are asked to commit to a 3-year term, but there is no obligation should you wish to withdraw your participation. Our goal is to maintain an overlap in members from year to year in order to encourage continuity and consistency in the activities and functions of the Committee. Terms may be renewed once.
Selection: When a seat on the Committee becomes available, a call for applications of interest will be launched. The KT Canada coordinating team, with input from the Chair and Vice-Chair, will review the applications to identify candidates who best exemplify the roles and responsibilities of the vacant seat (i.e., Vice-Chair, Knowledge User, Patient Partner, Trainee, Researcher). KT Canada is committed to ensuring that members represent gender, geographic, and language (English and French) diversity.
Compensation: Service as a KT Canada Advisory Committee member is voluntary and unpaid.
Evaluation: These terms of reference shall be reviewed annually by the Committee.
Chair and Vice-Chair Roles
- Ensure that the Committee adheres to its mandate and that members fulfill their roles.
- Facilitate meetings and lead Committee discussions.
- Ensure all members are heard, engaged and respected in the work of the Committee.
- Serve as spokespersons for the Committee.
Advisory Committee Member Roles
- Play an advisory role in KT Canada.
- Attend and participate in Committee meetings in a collaborative and constructive manner that promotes tangible outcomes.
Communication: The Advisory Committee will communicate mainly via email, with 1-2 virtual meetings per year as required by the Chair, Vice-Chair, and/or KT Canada coordinating team.
The KT Canada coordinating team, currently housed at the Knowledge Translation Program, Unity Health Toronto, provides administrative support to the Committee, performing functions such as:
- Maintaining membership lists and contact details of each member.
- Circulating agendas, meeting minutes and documentation to Committee members.
- Organizing materials and all logistics for Committee meetings.
- Supporting the Chairs in their role and responsibilities.
It is expected that the Chair and their team will take on some of the responsibilities of the coordinating team.