Seminar Series – May 9, 2013

John Lavis, McMaster University, Harvard School of Public Health

Informing Policy Decisions Within and About a Health System

Dr. John Lavis is the Director of the McMaster Health Forum, Associate Director of the Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis, and a Professor (in both the Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics and the Department of Political Science) at McMaster University. He is also Adjunct Professor of Global Health, Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard School of Public Health. His principal research interests include knowledge transfer and exchange in public policymaking environments and the politics of health systems. He led the creation and oversees the continuous updating of Health Systems Evidence.


Learning Objectives

  • To appreciate how policy decisions look very different depending on whether you’re trying to change the programs, services and drugs on offer or the system that determines whether the ‘right’ mix of programs and services get to the right people
  • To understand the similarities and differences in the types of research evidence and the types of evidence synthesis that are relevant to these two types of policy decisions
  • To discuss the implications of these two types of policy decisions for knowledge-translation efforts targeting policymakers

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